We are followers of Jesus who believe in helping others to know Him through our actions, primarily.
We believe that we are broken people, followers of Jesus (Christians) included. The only difference being the hope and salvation that we have in Christ.
We believe that everyone is deserving of God's love and, therefore, of ours.
We believe that by sharing our love with others and building meaningful relationships with them they will, ultimately, through the witness of our action and the moving of the Holy Spirit inquire about the hope and difference that they see in us, opening the door for us to share verbally about our relationship with Jesus Christ.
We also believe in building those loving relationships regardless of whether or not the relationships lead to a verbal discussion of our faith.
We believe that changing lives is God's work, not ours. We do not measure success by how many people we 'bring to Christ' but rather ask God to measure our walk of faith and integrity. Success is walking according to His will and in His strength. We leave the rest up to Him.
We believe that we make mistakes, get it wrong sometimes, hurt people, walk in ignorance, give in to selfishness, question God, lose our patience, judge others, become self-righteous, and, generally, mess up.
We also believe that, because of Jesus, God forgives our sins (mistakes, bad choices) and that His love for us never changes, regardless of how much we mess up.
We believe that remembering how lost and hopeless we are without Jesus helps us to love others unconditionally, as He loves us.
We believe that God uses everyday, normal, ordinary, regular people to change the world.
We believe that He can use us and that He wants to use you.